Dream Big, Achieve More

Cam Calkoen was the closing speaker at Recreation Conference 2018 and wanted us to share the below story with you.

I really enjoyed my time with you all on Thursday and hope you all had an awesome evening.

It's exciting when we go through times of change, especially if we look at it from the perspective of opportunity-centric. As I left the hotel I thought of a story that you may all enjoy...

A few years ago when on a trip to Japan I brought a bowl which I thought was absolutely perfect, black with these incredible gold stripes, I'd never seen anything like it and assumed it had always been this awesome. But as I went on to learn, only a few weeks before I had brought it from the shop it had been a broken bowl and smashed into no less than 7 pieces. What I now had was a the result of a craft called 'kintsukuroi' - what I consider an art of awesome transformation.

Kintsukuroi comes as a result of something that has been broken, that when we see the likes of a broken bowl, broken cup, broken heirloom we have some choices;

• We can throw it out and lose all the history, expertise and memories that it held

• We can glue it back together with PVA but look at it knowing that it's not as 'perfect' as it once was

• Or we can stick it back together with liquid gold (this is kintsukuroi), making it stronger, more valuable, more awesome than it ever was to start with.

We may not be broken, but whatever the change in our life me be we do get to choose how we put things together. As you transform from one experience to an other you have the opportunity to create something new, something beautiful, something truly awesome from what is already with you.

Here's a link to some reminders from Thursday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIud_B3hgHM&t=158s

Enjoy your awesomeness and keep in touch.


P.S thank you so much for having me as part of your vision and here is a copy of the photo we took:


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